Maritime Labour Convention 2006
MLC is a broad international labour convention which specifies rights of seafarers. It was included in the International National Labour organization under article 19 of its constitutions together with SOLAS, STCW and MARPOL as the fourth pillar of International Maritime Law. Therefore, it aims for working as an effective tool for quality shipping. It is a concoction of a number of global standards.
The enforcement of this standard is done through national laws or some other measures which means that it cannot be directly applied to seafarers, ships or shipowners. It covers almost every essential working and living condition for seafarers.
Its contents include:
- Conditions that need to be met to work on ships which include minimum age, medical certificate, etc.
- Conditions of employment like manning levels, minimum wages, entitlement to leave, career and skill development
- Facilities for accommodation and recreation
- Food services
- Medical Care
- Compliance and enforcement which includes issues like on board compliance procedures, inspection, authorization of recognized organizations etc.
It is important to mention that it only defines minimum standards only. However, a seafarer may be provided with better facilities according to their employment agreements or national laws. This standard is not only beneficial for seafarers but it also brings a number of benefits for government and ship owners as well. For example, reporting obligations are simplified and benefits are provided to ships of ratifying countries. It ensures safety of the operations in ships and provides viable opportunities to ship owners for fair competition.
Why your business needs MLC certification?
The answer to this question lies in numerous advantages of MLC certification. MLC certified Shipping and maritime industry including crew agencies, ship owners and recruitment firms enjoy several benefits like:
- It enhances costumer confidence as the credibility of the MLC certified entity becomes unquestionable.
- It builds strong relationships between customers and workers
- It promotes collaborative work
- It provides a global experience to the compliant agency
- It provides regular auditing
- It gives you lead in a crowd of competitors
- It ensures the implementation of effective regulatory international standards
It is easy to recognize substandard procedures and remove them from the system by conforming to this standard. Our reliable organisation use the best practices to ensure creaseless MLC Certification.